World of Florette Salad TV ad
If you're passionate about salad and staying healthy, Florette Salad can help! We have a variety of different salads to try that are quick, easy and nourishing to get you feeling salad happy and are a step towards your five a day. Get creative and find your favourite one today! • Check out our Facebook page and Pinterest pages for lots more salad fun, recipes, news and events. Also, make sure you don't forget to sign up to our Feel-good newsletter on the Florette Salad website! • / floretteuk • / floretteuk • • Feel like saying a friendly salad hello, or submitting your own ideas? Drop us an email at [email protected] and we'd be happy to hear from you! • Remember to subscribe to the Florette Salad UK YouTube channel and stay tuned for all the latest delicious recipes, and salad video fun!