How to stucco over Densglass sheathing


How to stucco over Densglass sheathing. • Densglass is stuccoed the exact same as raw plywood. • Or you can install wood siding over it. • The idea is to protect this sheathing from the elements. Its pre-coated fiberglass mats on front and back surfaces provide strength and moisture resistance. • Howdy subscribers, below are all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon’s website. • • Kirk and Jason Giordano Plastering Inc. • Remember, folks, if you have Dens-glass installed because of city requirements, you must treat it like plywood and lath and apply two coats of stucco. • Don’t be misled by those online who theoretically believe you can apply fiberglass mesh netting on all the joints or seams, then apply a water-resistant stucco acrylic finish, and you are done. • This is far from the truth. • If you do this, be repaired to remove it all in less than five years, plus remove all the interior installation sheetrock carpets due to mold work. • Or attach your waterproof membrane and attach wood siding to shield it from the weather and rain. • Here's a tip, use a Staple gun leg length that shoots at least 7/8 of the leg into the stud. • Make sure your gun staples are adjusted properly so that the staples don't rip the paper as Dens-Glass is soft. • I mention this because on Amazon there are staple guns that sell for about 100 to 350 dollars. • One often gets what they pay for. This coming Friday, I address this issue in an upcoming video •    • Stucco lathing.   How to stucco lath fast, easiest, and newest. •    • Install lath before stucco applications   Stucco nettings or chicken wire. •    • Stucco lathing instructions   Lathing instructions. •    • Lath a stud wall before stucco   Lath a stud wall with self-furred stucco paperback wire.  •    • Tyvek Waterproofing for stucco walls   Moisture barriers over Tyvek home wrap. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • Thank you all for watching, and wishing all a great day!


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