โ›ฆ total witchcraft package potion โ›ฆ

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=LmUeB96ntUI

โ•โ•โ›งโŒ’*๏ฝก๐•จ๐•–๐•๐•”๐• ๐•ž๐•– ๐•ฅ๐•  ๐•ž๐•–๐•ฅ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•š๐•’'๐•ค ๐•ž๐•’๐•˜๐•š๐•”๐•’๐• ๐•ก๐• ๐•ฅ๐•š๐• ๐•Ÿ ๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ก!๏ฝก*โŒ’โ›งโ•โ• • | | | • | | • | • โ•ฐ•โ›ฆ ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š›๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐šŽ๐š—๐š๐šœ โ›ฆ • 1. newt's tail • 2. three bay leaves • 3. white candle • 4. dragon scale • 5. 11 drops of unicorn shimmer • โ•ฐ•โ›ฆ ๐šŽ๐š๐š๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š๐šœ โ›ฆ • เฟ subliminal gives me full knowledge and memory of every correspondence (for herbs, plants, crystals, moon phases, etc.) • เฟ reading through the instructions of a spell while listening to this subliminal automatically casts it on my desired person • เฟ reading through the instructions of a spell while listening to this subliminal instantly gives the full desired effects of the spell to my desired person • เฟ visualizing casting a spell while listening to this subliminal automatically casts it • เฟ reading through the instructions of a spell while listening to this subliminal automatically has the same effect as making and drinking it on my desired person • เฟ reading through the instructions of a potion while listening to this subliminal instantly gives the full desired effects of the potion to my desired person • เฟ visualizing myself or someone else making and drinking a potion while listening to this subliminal automatically gives my desired person the effect of making and drinking it • เฟ forever have 100% accurate tarot readings • เฟ forever divine and scry 100% accurately • เฟ instantly connect completely with any new tarot deck, divination tool, or scrying tool I get • เฟ thinking about any crystal or witchcraft tool at all while listening to this subliminal instantly cleanses and charges it • เฟ spell casting effectiveness increases by infinity because of listening to this • เฟ potion effectiveness increases by infinity because of listening to this • เฟ only have positive interactions with the fae • เฟ accepting gifts, saying thank you, telling the fae my name, and anything else I'm not supposed to do only ever has good effects and builds my relationship with the fae • เฟ always automatically know what's cultural appropriation, what's a closed practice, etc. • เฟ always be supported when I tell people I'm a witch • เฟ immediately know when I encounter another witch • เฟ be immune to getting hexed • เฟ never have to ward, cast a circle, or cleanse or charge anything because all of that is automatically done • เฟ always get instant full results from any magical practice • เฟ always have the perfect amount of supplies • เฟ no one ever thinks you're a witch unless you want them to • เฟ no one ever questions any witchy thing you do unless you want them to know you're a witch • เฟ always be able to effortlessly communicate with deities, spirit guides, angels, etc. • เฟ always get signs as soon as I ask for them • เฟ always be able to astral project effortlessly • เฟ always be protected when astral projecting • เฟ never get contacted by demons or anything of the sort when trying to contact entities/beings other than demons • โ•ฐ•โ›ฆ ๐š˜๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š› ๐š๐š•๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š˜๐š›๐šœ • rainy:    • โ›ฆ total witchcraft package potion โ›ฆ   • silent:    • โ›ง total witchcraft package potion โ›ง  


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