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Today, I came back from my part-time job working on a game with Yuqi~~ • The Seven Deadly Sins was so fun that I almost spent all my salary on my part-time job😂 • Still, I feel very trustworthy when I work with Yuqi~!!💪 • • What kind of K part-time job should we experience next? • Every Thursday evening at 7pm 🌚WORK-DOL🌚 • *Comments that are excessively slanderous or personally offensive to ordinary performers may be deleted by the administrator. • #WORKDOL #Game #Netmarble #GStar #SevenDeadlySins • #Shuhua #Yuqi #Parttimejob • #WORKDOL #game #RPG #TheSevenDeadlySinsGrandCross #GIDLE #SHUHUA #YUQI