Meet Blakelee Ortega Aka The biceps girl wtf bodies


8 years... 8 years of trial and error 8 years of hearing/reading (and ignoring) comments like, “Gross”, “You look like a man”, “Why would you want to look like that?” and countless more that are too cruel/ignorant for me to even repeat. 8 years of diet changes 8 years of learning to sacrifice and rearrange my priorities 8 years of building who I am, not only physically but who I am as a person. If I could go back, I wouldn’t shorten my journey by a single year because each year had its significance in making me who I am today. • Follow Blakelee Ortega : @Blakelee.ortega • Bodybuilding is not something you master in a week. It’s a continuous learning process and a never-ending strive to better yourself, along with a side of negativity from the people who are unwilling and jealous of the discipline that you have. I’m VERY happy with what I’ve overcome and what I’ve accomplished in these 8 years. May the process continue! • HUGE thank you ,  for putting together this video of me! 🙏🏻 It’s the coolest feeling in the world to be recognized for simply doing what you love, and I’m so thankful for it. I wouldn’t be near the person I am today had it not been for @salsa_omega059 introducing me to bodybuilding. My only hope with this video is to inspire more women to get into weightlifting and to never let any negativity stop you from doing something you love! Thank you so much to everyone who supports me and my passion! 💜 • SUBSCRIBE :   / @wtfbodies7881   • ALSO YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE BY CLICKING THE BIG RED BUTTON NAMED SUBSCRIBE ON IT • THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING... • #blakeleeortega #wtfbodies • #womensbodybuilding #womenbodybuilding #bodybuilding #women #weightlifting #weightlifter #biceps #arms #transformation #8yeartransformation #body #building #weight #passion #ignorenegativity #blakelee #ortega #triceps #gym #workout #train #trainind #weights #competition #conpetitions #physique #ripped #men #sixpack #sixpacks #hardwork #workhard #hard #work #passion #therapy #wtfbodies #body #wrf #lifting #motivation #motivator #motivating #womenpower #inspiration #inspiring #wtf #mystery #amazing #genetics #science #genes #gene #frame #believe #believeinyourself #belief #bones #husband #married #marriage #recongnise #discipline #recognised #recognisation #diet #changes #change #freak #freaks #different #bulk #hulk #bulking #gross #beautiful #succeed #success#youtubeislife #subscriber #youtubeguru #youtubecontent #newvideo #subscribers #youtubevideo #youtub #youtuber #youtubevideos#youtubechannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubers #subscribe #youtubevideos #sub #youtubevideo #like #instagram #follow #video #vlog #subscribetomychannel #gaming #music #explorepage #love #smallyoutuber #vlogger #youtubegaming #instagood #gamer #youtubecommunity #likes #explore #youtubelife #youtubecreator #ps #bhfyp


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