Thelema Before and After Crowley 1 to 13
We are what Modern Gnosticism is!...a place for you to develop your Genius and help your family to grow a wholesome and healthy life. We look into the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson, as the modern Existentialists, as well as Thelemic ideals. With the many programs we offer; all free, we've created a place to learn and to find the tools to 'know thyself.' We're on more than several platforms with much to offer there: • • But while you're here, check out also, the programs on our playlists: • • We have such programs as the Qabalah Classroom, Phenomenal Spirituality, the Holy Books of Thelema, and A.'.A.'. Gnosis of the Great White Brotherhood; among a host of other programs. • And to especially prepare for the experience of Gnosis, please join in our instructional email list: Preparing for Gnosis! • • This delivers weekly ideas, ruminations and assignments for your spiritual growth. Get ready here, for the adventure of a lifetime! • === • Please also, like this video and subscribe to our channel. We keep on growing and producing for both the sake of your genius and of ours! • :-)