2 How to Begin Define My Day Planner amp Journal Walkthrough
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Getting starting in any new process can be intimidating. It doesn't have to be. Especially when we talk about self-improvement. You do you boo. Go at your own pace. Just get moving. Once you get starting and get a couple of days under your belt, the fog lifts a bit, and things start flowing. • ===================================================== • Created for busy people that need to ditch the overwhelm and get moving toward their ideal selves, Define My Day is the process that will finally get you implementing all of the success tips you read about. • The Define My Day Journal is the 10 minute morning focus journal that helps you improve your mindset, build new healthy habits, and focus on what is most important. • Get the Define My Day Journal at https://www.definemyday.com • ====================================================== • Our goal is to improve in three main areas: gain a positive mindset, create healthy habits, and develop a focus on what is most important to achieve real progress. • Never go for perfection. This is a journey. Strive for improvement each day over the last and, in time, you will achieve BIG results. • Start small. Try these few steps first. • 1. Schedule it. Identify a time in the morning to do your Define My Day journal when you won't be bothered. First thing with a cup of coffee is awesome. • 2. Pre-plan on Sunday night. Review the book and write your monthly and weekly goal. Focus on whatever is most important to you. Pick one thing that you need to get done to move forward. • 3. Be Patient. Give yourself some grace and focus on gaining momentum. • The important thing is to commit to action and do it each day.