NiteIze GlowstreakampSpotLiteReview2
I am not paid, endorsed or receive any kickbacks. All products in video were paid out of my pocket. I just like helping the fellow Pup parents out I enjoy creating fun reviews and share products that work for my crazy crew! • NiteIze Glowstreak • DURABLE, SLOBBER-PROOF LIGHT-UP DOG BALL - The bright LED's in this tough rubber ball live under the secure screw top cap BOUNCE ACTIVATED - Simply bounce once to turn the ball on - even that is fun AUTO SHUT-OFF WITH 10 MINUTES OF INACTIVITY - Don’t worry about running the batteries out, once your dog has stopped playing, the ball will automatically turn off after ten minutes, and will flash in warning before it does ENDLESS NIGHTTIME PLAY WITH REPLACEABLE BATTERIES - the easily replaceable batteries live under a screw top which should be checked and tightened regularly WATERPROOF - IT FLOATS - don't worry if you huck it into a nearby lake or get dropped in the water bowl, this light-up dog ball floats so it can be easily retrieved NOT A CHEW TOY - This ball is intended for supervised play only NiteIize • SpotLit • HANDY LIGHT FOR YOUR KEYS OR PET'S COLLAR - This push button light attaches easily to your keychain or pet's collar using the integrated Stainless-Steel carabiner, for instant visibility in the dark REPLACEABLE LONG-LIFE BATTERIES - Included lithium 2016 batteries last up to 20 hours and can be easily replaced for use over and over again AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE COLORS - These unique lights come in a variety of colors as well as a color-changing Disc-O LED option PUSH BUTTON ON/OFF - Easily activate the SpotLit with a push, and save the batteries by turning it off the same way BUILT TO WITHSTAND THE ELEMENTS - The SpotLit is weather-resistant and has a durable Stainless-Steel carabiner, so it can withstand being dropped in the mud or splashed in the water bowl • • Music Credit Track: • Altitude — Declan DP [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: • Altitude — Declan DP | Free Backgroun... Free Download / Stream: • This Feeling - Atch / atch-music Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library • This Feeling – Atch (No Copyright Music)