CUTE MLP Baby Animation and Comic Dub Compilation
My Little Pony gets even more adorable with these cute comics compiled from 2018! (With a random other fandom comic thrown in there for good measure because I love it so much) • Individual credits are on each segment • Music provided by Jay Man, Incompetech, and Teknoaxe • Vocals provided by Myself, PegasusPitchVA, IMShadow007, TheLostNarrator, Imit4tor, Chippa, WildcardVA, DaWillStanator, Katie Patterson, Ferrous, Chaotic, Fawxy • Comics by Myself, Beavernator, Mickeymonster, Kianamai, Tan575, EMositeCC, Uotapo, Kristelpokemonfan, Coltsteelstallion • Video and sound editing by Myself, PegasusPitch, and TheLostNarrator • So tell me, which of these is YOUR favorite? • #MLP #MyLittlePony #MLPComic