How to Split Merged Cells in Excel
Link to the Excel file: • Excel Tutorial YouTube: • how to split cells in excel? • === • We all know excel has a really good option which using it, you can merge cells. But what should you do if you want to unmerge them? Exactly where you can find merge and center option, you can find unmerge. So just select the merged cell and then click on unmerge option to unmerge them to separate cells. But there’s a problem here. And that’s about returning the empty cells to the previous settings which all cells had text in them. For this goal, please watch the video. • Tags: • how to split merged cells in excel - can you split merged cells in excel, how to split the merged cells in excel - splitting of merged cells into rows in excel,split merged cells - excel split merged cells • merge and split cells in excel, excel split of merged cells - split merged cell into two, how to do merged cell split in excel, how to split excel merged cells - split excel merged cells #2 • merged cells splitting in excel - splitting merged cells in excel, split excel merged cells