Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No 41 Third Mvt Original MIDI Performance

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=LzZTVIA-KXM

Hello again, Classical MIDI fans! We are back with the short but utterly delightful third movement of Mozart's Symphony No. 41 in C Major, the Jupiter Symphony. Sticking true to the expectations of the day, this movement is in the form of a Menuetto, but a bit slower than is the norm, marked Allegretto . It's very similar to the classic Austrian ländler , but I've always felt like it has a feel that the dancers are a bit tipsy! It's cadence just seems ever-so-slightly off kilter, almost as though it's yet another of Mozart's musical jokes - a trait he relished in much of his music, and one shared by his contemporary Haydn as we'll see in a future video! Historically, this movement was played attached to the fourth movement with no pause, most likely because the trio highlights the first sounding of the main theme from its masterful fugue. This practice has fallen out of favor in recent times, particularly among period ensembles, thus it is presented here as such. • On the technical side, we are back to a very straight forward execution, without having to account for the presence of con sordino in the strings. I did toy with the idea of combining both the third and the fourth movement into a single render, but I decided to go with current trend of separating the two movements, which also allows me to get this video out much more quickly than the last! I'm curious if you agree, so leave a comment below, and don't forget to like and subscribe as it really helps the channel grow! • Also, don't forget to hit that notification bell when you subscribe to the channel to stay updated on future MIDI mockups and exciting musical content! Drop your thoughts in the comments below; I'd love to hear from you. • No Copyright Infringement Intended. • Cubase 12: https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/ • EastWest Hollywood Orchestra: https://www.soundsonline.com/orchestr... • Aaron Venture's Infinite Woodwinds: https://www.aaronventure.com/infinite... • Cinematic Studio Woodwinds: https://cinematicstudioseries.com/woo... • Aaron Venture's Infinite Brass: https://www.aaronventure.com/infinite... • Cinematic Studio Brass: https://cinematicstudioseries.com/brass/ • Modern Scoring Strings: https://www.audiobro.com/modern-scori... • Please Like, Comment and Subscribe for more! I try to upload a new performance once per week. • #classicalmusic #mozart #wolfgangamadeusmozart #symphony41 #jupitersymphony #orchestralmusic #music #classical #originalperformance #eastwest #hollywoodorchestra #aaronventure #infinitewoodwinds #infinitebrass #cinematicstudioseries #cinematicstudiowoodwinds #cinematicstudiosbrass #mss #modernscoringstrings #cubase #cubase12 #midi #midimockup #virtualinstruments


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