JFK William Hootkins
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William Hootkins was an actor, best known for supporting roles in Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Batman but in December of 1963, at the age of 15, he found himself in an unenviable position: being questioned by the FBI regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. • JFK was fatally shot on November 22, 1963. Although the facts have never been proven beyond doubt, an investigation conducted by the government and its agencies resulted in claiming Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole perpetrator of the crime. • Oswald allegedly defected to the Soviet Union. After becoming disillusioned with life in the U.S.S.R., he returned to the United States in 1962 along with his Russian wife, Marina, and their infant daughter. At the time when the assassination occurred, they were separated and Marina was staying at a house owned by Ruth Paine • During 1962 and 1963, Ruth Paine was Hootkins’ private teacher of Russian. In fact, Hootkins was her only student. They met regularly at her house and Hootkins met Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald a number of times, especially during the time when Marina was living at Paine’s house. • A clip with Kasper Michaels • #History #UntoldStory #Life #Power #Truth #People #Lesson #Education #LessonStory#pursuit #documental #documentary #documents #mlk #martinlutherkingjr #history #mystery #truecrimeallthetime #corruptsystem #coldwar #1960s #legacy #research #researcheverything #facts #realmedia #left #right #democracy #released #jfkfiles #experience #jre #jreclips #jreshorts #jrefans #spotify #youtubeshorts #youtube #podcast #mysterious #onthisday #weisberg #thankyou #whathappend #whatreallymatters #transparency #answers #nowisthetime #cointelpro #dissent #weirdfacts #interestingfacts #learningmyself #easylistening #didyouknow #dallas #1963 #dealeyplaza #truecrimenerd #foryou #forbiddenwest #police #spotify #youtubeshorts #remember #memories #different #witness #subscribe #paypal #interview #jrecommunity #interestingfacts #newshorts #women #zodiac #interestingfacts #journalism #zapruder #livinglegend #onthisday #interesting #didyouknowfacts #mentalfloss #jrefans #theory #witnesstv #lbj #jackruby #weird #weirdfact #joerogan #joeroganexperience #unsolvedmysteries #unsolvedsolution #unsolvedcrime #unsolvedcrime #truestory ##crime #mafia #jrecommunity #conversation #latestnews #spread #spotifypodcast #mob #mafia #castro #cubanos #jfkfiles #trendingshorts #fact #newinstareels #mafia #documentary #historyfacts #buzzfeedunsolved #truecrimenerd #mystery