MeredithampDerek Derek its ok you go 11x21


Watch in HD! It's much better, I swear! • Feedback makes me happy! • ............................................................................................. • I am not ok with what happened. I know how unhappy Patrick was and if he believes that this was the right decision for him then great, but in terms of Derek and his life with Meredith, I am not happy. They just got happy again and wanted to have another baby and then he died just because he stopped to help people in need. I'm so sad and so not ok that everyone is dying. • This will just be the beginning of tribute videos. I'm going to do one solely based on Derek and everyone he was friends with and obviously another MerDer one that covers everything in their relationship. This only covers the brief points because this was all I could manage and had time for when I'm meant to be revising. So sorry if this is bad. I'm just too busy and too emotional to make anything better. • VOICEOVERS: • M: Derek, Derek • D: So what's your story? • M: I don't have a story, I'm just a girl in a bar • D: And I'm just a guy in a bar • D: Derek • M: Derek right, Meredith • D: Meredith • M:Yeah • D: You were like coming up for fresh air, it's like I was drowning and you saved me • M: It's ok, you go • ............................................................................................. • Please like, comment and subscribe to my channel. • LINKS: • TUMBLR:   / sunnysilhouette5   • REBLOG: • TWITTER:   / followers   • 2ND CHANNEL:    / xyourlightinthedarkx  


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