3voor12 introduceert Wet Leg

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It has been a long time since an indie rock song created so much buzz as Wet Leg’s ‘Chaise Longue’. Out of nowhere the Isle of Wight band is catapulted into being the ‘coolest band of the moment’. It takes them on worldwide tours and television-shows where founders Hester and Rhian never dared to dream of in their earlier musical careers. And that before their debut album. How they deal with this massive explosion? By living by the words they said to each other when founding Wet Leg. Always have fun and never take yourselves or the band too seriously. It is exactly that what is making Wet Leg so irresistible. • • ••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​••​​​•​••​••​••​••​••​​​•​••​••​​​•​​​ • VPRO 3voor12 is het belangrijkste muziekplatform van Nederland. Check onze website voor muzieknieuws en achtergrondverhalen. Op NPO 3FM hebben we drie radioprogramma's, waarin we de allerbeste muziek van vandaag én morgen draaien, we bespreken de actualiteit en verwelkomen live in de studio artiesten. • 3voor12 Radio: ma t/m do 21u-0-u • Frank Eva: ma t/m vr 16u-19u • Club Cleven: za 22u-00u • 3voor12 by Dutch Public Broadcasting Company VPRO is the leading music platform in The Netherlands. 3voor12 also has three shows on Dutch national public radio station 3FM. • ❯ Meer 3voor12? • http://vpro.nl/3voor12​ •   / 3voor12​   •   / 3voor12​   •   / 3voor12  


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