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Target of study and research of thousands of paleontologists and scientists. Fossils are a source of valuable information about the evolution of life, and the geological history of our planet. But they are also the object of fascination for thousands of admirers. See now. The dinosaur fossils that have already been found. • Homo Floresiensis • Not all fossils discovered are from dinosaurs, like this extraordinary collection of human fossils that have been found. In the early 1990s, the remains of 9 individuals were found, and excavated in an island cave in Indonesia. The fossils were called Homo Floresiensis. They were the same as humans, but different only in one important way. Your size. The ancient peoples were approximately 1 meter tall. And this discovery led experts to believe that they were much smaller in stature. Based on the fossils found, researchers found that one of them was a 30-year-old woman. The fossils were found in a complicated cave complex. Age estimates are continually revised, and current thinking is that they are between 60 and 100,000 years old. There appears to have been an extinction about 50,000 years ago, which affected several species. And it made things disappear off the map, so dramatically and so mysteriously. • megalosaurus • The first megalosaurus fossil was found in England in 1824. And this discovery caused a lot of discussion among scientists. At first they believed that the dinosaur walked on four legs. This statement caused such a stir that at the time writer Charles Dickens referred to it in one of his novels. However, it was later established that the dinosaur walked on two legs. Megalosaurus was six meters long and weighed about a ton. Apparently, he was smaller than a tyrannosaurus. Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur identified by science, and its age dates back to the mid-Jurassic period, 165 million years ago. Generally, not many fossils are found from this prehistoric period. But if you want to come face to face with this legendary creature, visit the dinosaur museum in London, where a life-size four-legged sculpture is on display alongside other dinosaurs. Dinosaur recreations aren't accurate, but they sure are impressive. • Australopithecus Afarensis • An incredible and revolutionary discovery was made in 1974, when Lucy was found in the Ethiopian region. Her real name is Australopithecus Afarensis, but she is named Lucy after the Beatles' music. This name was given to the fossil because at the time scientists were listening to this music on their cassette player. It was in several pieces that totaled up to 40% of an entire skeleton. It was a brilliant find for archaeologists. She would be 12 years old. But why is it so important to scientists? The story had many gaps up to that point. And she provided a big clue about the connection between apes and humans. With an estimated fossil age of 3 million years, it has become the earliest known example of a hominid. Hominids are part of the family, or a larger group of primates, and are a species related to early humans. Particular interest was given to its teeth, and the fact that it walked on two legs. We can cite other examples, such as the famous discovery of a child's fossil in 1924. This discovery provided further evidence of how human beings evolved by learning to walk the way we do today. • Tyrannosaurus • Tyrannosaurus Su is the largest and best preserved tyrannosaurus fossil ever found. The real name of this specimen is quite complicated, and it was named after the paleontologist who found it. The fossil that was found is 80% complete. And it's one of the best discoveries of all time, which is now located in the Chicago museum. But the story of their discovery is pretty complicated. He was found in South Dakota in 1990 by a paleontologist and his assistant. They paid a local farmer five thousand dollars to dig on his property. After spending weeks searching, the assistant found some broken bones and vertebrae, the first pieces of the tyrannosaurus. The team spent the next few weeks carefully unearthing the skeleton, wrapping the bones in plaster, and then transferring them to the Institute where they worked, where they prepared them for the exhibition. Lesions found on some of the bones indicated that the tyrannosaurus had been attacked and was killed from its wounds. Excitement turned to outrage when feds arrived at the Institute and seized the fossil, as well as all records related to the tyrannosaurus. #dinosaur #tyrannosaurus #hadrosaur