What is Leverage amp How to Maximize It
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=M5yFAtWxfkc
You negotiate every day, and the better you understand leverage the more effective you'll be at it. In any profession or relationship, being able to negotiate better will help you get more of what you want. In fact, your ability to effectively negotiate may be the most critical skill you possess if you are a lawyer, procurement specialist, business owner or sales person. Yet most negotiate instinctively or intuitively. This means you're typically missing out on money and opportunities you could get. • Use this video and other resources from www.LatzNegotiation.com to learn what is leverage and learn how to maximize your leverage. Determine how much each side needs the deal. How much do you — and they — want it? Having this understanding can help you understand how much leverage you have. • Learn what the Plan B is for both sides. Increase your leverage by giving yourself more good options. Having a Plan B can help you determine when to walk away. Having a backup plan (or several) can prevent you from making an agreement you should reject. Also, having a clear idea of your options can tell you when to when to sign, as you should accept the agreement only if it's better than your best likely alternative. • WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID ABOUT LATZ AND HIS PROGRAMS • “Marty Latz is one of the most accomplished and persuasive negotiators I know.” • George Stephanopoulos, Anchor, ABC News Good Morning America • “Easily the best CLE presentation I have attended in 39 years as an attorney. The content, presentation and passion were superb.” • Steve C. Johns, Heartland Business Exchange, Kansas • “In my 22 years of attending legal seminars this is the first one where I didn’t feel compelled to read a newspaper or daydream. Both content and presentation were outstanding.” • Mark Dall, Simon Property Group, Indianapolis • About Marty Latz • Renowned negotiation expert Martin E. Latz, Founder of Latz Negotiation, has trained over 100,000 lawyers and business professionals around the world to more effectively negotiate, including in Bangkok, Beijing, Brussels, Hong Kong, London, Prague, Seoul, Shanghai, and Singapore. • An Adjunct Professor – Negotiation at Arizona State University College of Law from 1995 to 2005, Latz has also negotiated for the White House nationally and internationally on the White House Advance Teams. • Latz - a Harvard Law cum laude graduate – is the author of Gain the Edge! Negotiating to Get What You Want and The Reality of the Deal: An Eye-Opening Look at How Trump Really Negotiates. He has also appeared as a negotiation expert on CBS’ The Early Show and such national business shows as CNN’s Your Money and FOX Business. He writes a monthly negotiation column that appeared for many years in The Arizona Republic and that now is e-mailed to almost 40,000 readers per month. • For more: www.LatzNegotiation.com www.ExpertNegotiator.com • In all your negotiations, go through the Latz Golden Rules of Negotiation. Here are the links to those related videos: • Rule 1: Information is Power so Get It: • Rule 1: Information is Power in Negot... • Rule 2: Maximize Your Leverage: • What is Leverage How to Maximize It? • Rule 3: Employ Fair Objective Criteria: • Rule 3: Employ Fair Objective Criteri... • Rule 4: Design an Offer Concession Strategy: • Rule 4: Design an Offer Concession St...