Best Mattress for Adjustable Beds Full Buyers Guide
GoodBed's 'plain English' explanation of the current Sealy Posturepedic Plus collection of innerspring mattresses... • If you found this information helpful and decide to buy this product, we would greatly appreciate you using the link below, or those on, to initiate your purchase. Doing this is a way to support our work by earning us a small referral fee at no cost to you. • These mattresses are part of Sealy's mattress line, which also includes the Essentials and Posturepedic collections. See our overview for how all three collections compare: • To learn more about the differences between these Sealy Posturepedic Plus innerspring models, see our written overview on the series: • To see unbiased owner reviews of Sealy Posturepedic Plus mattresses, or to check for discounts (both online and in your nearby stores), click here: • There are 10 total innerspring mattresses in this collection, divided into three series: the Opportune (Level I), the Satisfied (Level II), and the Exuberant (Level III). They differ in softness level, mattress height, and amount of memory foam as well as price. • Also see our coverage of the all-foam mattresses in the Sealy Posturepedic Plus Memory Foam collection: • Skip to the sections of this video that interest you most by clicking on the times in the chapter headings below. • Time Chapter • 0:00 Shared Features • 4:35 Opportune (Level I) Series • 5:31 Satisfied (Level II) Series • 8:35 Exuberant (Level III) Series • Have a question or comment? Drop us a line below and we'll try to respond ASAP. • Be aware that no mattress store will have all of the available options on display in their store, however this video walks through the full Sealy Posturepedic Plus range to make sure you find the best option for you. • Names of these models in mattress stores will vary by retailer as well, but all should be called Posturepedic Plus. • Note: This video is not a review. It is simply intended to provide a clear and independent overview of the available mattresses in the Sealy Posturepedic Plus collection.