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Watch our new HD video here: • Column of Trajan • Column of Trajan, Carrara marble, completed 113 C.E., Rome Dedicated to Emperor Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus b. 53 , d. 117 C.E.) in honor of his victory over Dacia (now Romania) 101-02 and 105-06 C.E. • Dedicated to Emperor Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus b. 53 , d. 117 C.E.) in honor of his victory over Dacia (now Romania) 101-02 and 105-06 C.E. • The inscription on the base is the source of the typeface Trajan and reads (with abbreviations spelled out): • SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS • IMPERATORI CAESARI DIVI NERVAE FILIO NERVAE • TRAIANO AUGUSTO GERMANICO DACICO PONTIFICI • MAXIMO TRIBUNICIA POTESTATE XVII IMPERATORI VI CONSULI VI PATRI PATRIAE • AD DECLARANDUM QUANTAE ALTITUDINIS • MONS ET LOCUS TAN[TIS OPER]IBUS SIT EGESTUS • The Senate and the People of Rome • To Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan Augustus, son of the divine Nerva • Conqueror of Germany and Dacia, high priest, with the office of the tribune 17 times • Proclaimed Imperator 6 times, elected consul 6 times, father of the Empire • Here shows the height which this hill once stood • Now removed for such great works as these • Speakers: Valentina Follo (courtesy of Context Travel), Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.