Poems of Emily Dickinson A Bird came down the Walk—
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Summarize videos instantly with our Course Assistant plugin, and enjoy AI-generated quizzes: https://bit.ly/ch-ai-asst The Poems of Emily Dickinson explained with poem summaries in just a few minutes! • • Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides an in-depth summary and analysis of Emily Dickinson's poem A Bird, came down the Walk—. • • Download the free study guide and infographic for the Poems of Emily Dickinson here: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Poems-... • • Emily Dickinson is known for her poems about love, loss, mortality, and the natural world. • • Whether inhabiting the experience of someone recently deceased or speaking to an absent lover, Dickinson's worldly and profound observations suggest an imagination unfettered by her constrained existence. • • Her innovations to traditional ballads and hymns using unconventional rhymes and unexpected voices have positioned her as one of the most unique and indelible voices in the American literary canon. • • Emily Dickinson is widely recognized as one of the greatest American poets of the 19th century. Her work was published during 1858-73. She wrote nearly 1,800 poems that were startling in their originality, though most were not published until after her death. • • With only a handful of poems published during her lifetime, her reclusive lifestyle is of almost equal fascination to modern observers. How such a brilliant mind flourished in the claustrophobic society of Amherst, Massachusetts, has been the subject of volumes of biography and psychological speculation. • • The Poems of Emily Dickinson explore many themes, including nature, as the natural world is full of beauty as well as cruelty; poetry, as Dickinson believed poetry, more than fiction, allowed for the most imaginative works; and death, as, neither romantic nor emotional, it is common, and its effects are chilly, isolating, and final. Important symbols include windows, the sea, insects, birds, and light. • • Explore Course Hero’s collection of free literature study guides, Q A pairs, and infographics here: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/ • • About Course Hero: • Course Hero helps empower students and educators to succeed! We’re fueled by a passionate community of students and educators who share their course-specific knowledge and resources to help others learn. Learn more at http://www.coursehero.com • • Master Your Classes™ with Course Hero! • • Get the latest updates: • Facebook: / coursehero • Twitter: / coursehero