Pigsty 11090 FULL EPISODE

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=MG_jybKkmnw

MT has received a letter from the Department of Sanitation, meaning Pinks, Troyboy and LP have got to get their skates on and sort out their bin trouble. Meanwhile, the recording studio next door has one of our pigs questioning the authenticity of the latest pop star. • This really is strange stuff, isn't it? The plot is somehow overly complicated yet never delves beneath the surface, while the tone of the whole show is odd to say the least. It's not a full-on comedy, but it's not exactly a drama either. Some of the themes seem like they would fly over the heads of younger viewers, yet I'd hardly say it was aimed at teenagers. It also sometimes looks like it has high production values, while simultaneously like it was all done on the cheap. I can't figure it out at all! There's something curiously compelling about it, though. • Note the playing of the original 60s version of Sealed with a Kiss in the background, rather than the more recent Jason Donovan cover, by the way. Meanwhile, guest stars for this episode are Clive Mantle from Casualty, and one Floyd Bevan, whose already relatively sparse IMDB entry doesn't even bother to list this at all. • Grateful thanks to ‪@Benriggers‬ for providing this recording. • (If you're a copyright holder and have any objections, please feel free to contact me. Alternatively, I haven't monetised the video, so you're welcome to do so, and that way everybody wins.)


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