Der längste Zug der Welt Sahara Mauretanien 730 Minuten Vorbeifahrt


More than 717 km the longest train of africa winds through Sahara. With at some point more than 70°C (158°F) this is more than the average work effort for all people having a hand in steering this 3 km long monster train. Constant sand drifts and shifting dunes give the team of the Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) a hard time in making sure the track is fit to let the heavy train get its cargo from deep within the sahara (Zouérat) to the harbour (Nouadhibou). From there the iron ore gets shipped to Europe. At times it takes more than a week for the train to arrive. • We had the chance to see the train multiple times while we were driving the dirt tracks along the railway. In the dead silence of the sahara you even hear the train half an hour before you actually see it looming up on the horizon. • Our travel documentary BREAK FREE - Two People. Two Years. One Dream is out now - stream it online on Amazon UK/US and YouTube • For more information visit


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