Mystery Neighbor Twins STOLE My Waterproof JET SKI
A portion of this vlog is an ad for General Mills. #Ad • • MANY WILL ENTER, FEW WILL WIN. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. OPEN ONLY TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES, D.C AND PUERTO RICO. WHO ARE 7 YEARS AND OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Promotion begins 6/20/21 at 12:00 AM ET and ends 6/30/22 at 11:59 PM ET. 938 Instant Win Game Prizes available to be won (valued between $3 - $299) throughout promotion. Grand Prize sweepstakes is divided into four equal entry periods, one Grand Prize of $5,000 awarded each entry period. Limit one entry per person, per day. For Official Rules, free method of entry, prize descriptions, Sweepstakes entry period start and date dates, and odds disclosure, visit Sponsor: General Mills Sales, Inc., One General Mills Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55426 • Last vlog you saw “Is the Mystery Neighbor Imposter a TWIN SISTER?”( • Is the Mystery Neighbor Imposter a TW... ) well now in today’s vlog, Stephen Sharer is hanging with his Share The Love friends at the Beach House and then all the sudden a mystery note is spotted at his front door! The mystery note leads the Sharer Fam crew on a scavenger hunt around the beach house to find hidden clues and evidence to reveal what the Mystery Flavor may be! Searching for more clues the Mystery Neighbor Twin Sisters we spotted playing hide and seek in Sharer Fam backyard! Not only that but the Mystery Neighbor Ellen Twin sisters were then seen stealing Stephen Sharer Jet Ski! Thats right the Twin Sisters stole Stevens Jet Ski and took it to the ocean in search of gold coin hidden treasure! Mystery Neighbor Ellen Imposter also claims she knows what the top secret mystery flavor is but does she really?! are these #Twin sisters good or evil?! • 🤟 Get NEW Share The Love Merch Now!! • ❇️ MORE EPIC VLOGS ❇️ • @StephenSharerGaming Playing Minecraft Hypixel with my Best Friend!! (Very Funny Reactions) • Minecraft Battle Royale Challenge in ... • @Unspeakable Caught SNEAKING Out Of JAIL! • Caught SNEAKING Out Of JAIL! • @PrestonYT Guessing YouTubers in Only ONE SECOND! impossible • You LOSE if You Guess the WRONG YouTu... • @TheACEFamily Letting Our Tesla DECIDE What We EAT For 24 Hours! (SELF DRIVE) • Letting Our Tesla DECIDE What We EAT ... • • 📦 Fan Mail Address: Stephen Sharer YouTube, 2961A Hunter Mill Rd, Suite 633, Oakton, VA 22124 • 📧 Business Inquiries: [email protected] • WARNING: • This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. • This footage is property of Stephen Sharer and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Stephen Sharer Inc. For any requests from media, contact us at [email protected]