(28 Jan 1996) English/Nat • • South African President Nelson Mandela told controversial U.S. black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan that South Africa rejects racism and sexism and reveres all religions. • • Louis Farrakhan who arrived in Johannesburg accompanied by a 30-member delegation, agreed there should be equal rights surrounding religion, gender and race. • • Louis Farrakhan, the American Muslim cleric, was given a warm welcome by President Nelson Mandela. • • After their 30-minute meeting, Mandela said he outlined the fundamental principles on which his government's policies are based. • • SOUNDBITE: We are building a non racial society in this country. Because we believe that is the best solution for this country and for the entire world. Women in this country have played an important role in the struggle for liberation and they have played a vital role in the defeat of racialism in this country and racial oppression. • • SUPER CAPTION: Nelson Mandela, South African President • • The leader of the Nation of Islam, known for making statements considered anti-white, anti-Jewish or demeaning to women, was conciliatory. • • SOUNDBITE: All of the principles that President Mandela has outlined we agree with totally. Islam is a religion which if practised disallows racialism, racism, injustice, tyranny and oppression. • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan • • In paying tribute to the South African President, Farrakhan had this to say. • • SOUNDBITE: In America we love him and he's worth more than a hand shake. He deserves the embrace of the world. • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan • • In previous press interviews, Farrakhan has called Jews bloodsuckers for not contributing to the African American community and recently requested that women stay home to take care of their children during a mass march in Washington, D.C. • • South African white extremists and the white-led National Party warned that Farrakhan's three-day visit could set back racial reconciliation in South Africa. • • Later, in the day he held a press conference and said: • • SOUNDBITE: Whites of the nation recognise particularly the powerful ones. Those who make policy and made policy and that caused blacks to suffer. If they recognise, I've been wrong. • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan • • Farrakhan came to South Africa on a 27-day tour of Africa that • also has taken him to Nigeria, where he met with military dictator • Gen. Sani Abacha, and Libya, where he met with Moammar Gadhafi. • • He was due to arrive Saturday but his plane was delayed. A number of South African Muslims and black consciousness supporters, some wearing shackles, waited to greet Farrakhan. Some held posters saying black South Africans were not yet free. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: