David Keenan Radiate a Smile Acoustic Version

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=MM3c0DVyf8I

David’s new single “Radiate a Smile” performed live in the James Joyce Centre Dublin alongside Conal Duffy, Evanne Kilgallon, Jill Devlin and Lughaidh Armstrong Mayock. • Listen to the studio version of the song here: • https://open.spotify.com/track/4W6QsB... • https://barrackstreetrecords.bandcamp... •   / radiate-a-smile   • Radiate a Smile • A swaggering stick you carried it quick • Attired up and looking fine I’ll persevere and wait in line to hear what it is you’ve seen, • the tattoo on your chest makes me want one of my own. We flew the nest when we were bold enough, you know the rest we talked before and said too much. Power is reaching a place where no one needs to know you’re empowered, I’m alive now I’ll thrive now and that’s more than enough. • Radiate a smile because we’re only here for a short while and I don’t want to miss a day because I’m missing you. Radiate a smile if we’re only here for a short while, no we don’t want to miss a day been there’s so much we must do. • Larry is heavy handed and gets in your space • A space invader who’s deaf in one ear • Scudders is still skulling bags of Galahad • oh I wish I galahadn’t last night • The crowd roars and soars, the crowd soars the engines roar, pyros flash, smoke chokes they joke “he doesn’t pay his child support but he never misses an away game” • Why are you all dressed the same, all the young men are wearing black on black with black trims, speak suicide as a closing remark then disappear into the darkness and the glow of their own hopes, glories, dashed and redeemed. • Radiate a smile because we’re only here for a short while and I don’t want to miss a day because I’m missing you. Radiate a smile if we’re only here for a short while, no we don’t want to miss a day because there’s so much we must do. • How can I put this in the best way, • Mully is a nice man I don’t mean to be reductive but what’s wrong with being nice man or decent and humble in the way he inspires the young to take their feelings and then weave them into a tapestry of song. • Louise is slight but carries herself like a giant • She walks in the footsteps of Bridget and Ériu writing her own myth and she sees through the bullshit and the little ones look to her as an icon to lead them into the light • People rush and push everybody’s rushing and pushing and vying, vying to be heard • There’s a song that was sung at the battle of Verdun it went like who’ll really thrive if there is nothing to be won. • An embrace so tight it asphyxiates the lungs then a look into my eyes that says I know I’ve lost I’ve done my share of bringing beauty into this world and my share of hurting beauty in the process of it all give me a ring a ring a rosy here’s a locket you chose for me I chose you • There’s a bellyfull of butterflies in this tune • Let’s release them, let them play amongst our rhythms and our blues • Radiate a smile because we’re only here for a short while and I don’t want to miss a day because I’m missing you. • Radiate a smile for the ones who built the bonfires of hope and love and laughter when the odds seemed stacked • No I don’t want to miss a day because there’s so much we must do.


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