ASMR Friendly Tiefling Shows You Magical Spells Soft Speaking and Crinkly Paper


In the same universe as Random, we find a shy tiefling named Prudence who works at the library of Wiltshire (a nod to my current DnD campaign that is actually a podcast you can listen to!! It's called Roll for Relaxation:    / @rollforrelaxation4255  ) In this one she helps you decide what class you'd like to be by showing you powerful spells for inspiration. Afterword, she helps you prepare for your adventure! • 0:00 Intro • 4:05 Showing You Spells/ Foresight • 6:26 Ravenous Void • 8:11 Wierd • 10:35 Mass Heal • 12:52 Time Stop • 14:46 Feeblemind • 16:32 Storm of Vengeance • 18:40 Gate • 21:53 Wish • 24:26 What's Your Backstory? • 27:57 Feather Triggers/Whispers • 31:04 Stopwatch Hypnosis • 36:51 Preparing Your Adventurer's Pack • • Twitter: @AmyKayASMR • Instagram: AmyKayASMR • TikTok: AmyKayASMR • Become a Patron to help fund all my props and costumes! :) •   / amykayasmr​   • Thank you to all my Patrons!! • 5+ • Curious Bowser, Apollo, Aetheros C., Alas K., Alex A., Alexander B., Andy A., Anton B., Aria N., Austen P., Bear, Bill T., BraveVesperia, Brendan M, Cassandra, Cody G., Dana H., Daniel L., Darin R., David M., Dense Mass, Dz.Crasher, Erik, Esgaroth, F, Fabian W., Fabio D., Garage, Hadley M., Hawkeye P., Hollow, Jack B., Jacob C., Jacquelyn W., JBR231, JK, Joel Y., John G., John Gr., Jornations, Lieutenant Walrus, Lizzon, Lock, Marco V., McDergan, Michal D., Miguel G., Mika K., Mingy, Mr. Pendulum, Nikita S., Not Brandon, Owen L., Paddy W., Patrick H., Richie C., Rick G., Rob of Wonder, Sarah B., Sophia K., SteadiestRhyme, Sulky, TheRagingSkwrl, Vector Knight, Viktor M., Will C., Will P., Yoriz • 1+ • Aaron A., Adam B., AL UK, Alex B., Alexander A., Andre C., Andre159, Andrew L., Antikrass, Bao H., Bearded Audio ASMR, Bradley S., Brandon J., Buzzn Frogg, Catherine C., Charles B., Christian N., Colleen B., David E., David L., Deendra L., Elad A., Elias G., Finnegan M., Frank D., Gabriel, Geoffrey S., Gustaf, Hannah, Inzayn, Javier, Jay J., Jess, John D., John G., Just Call Me AJ, Just Jack, Justin M., Kavisánszki I., Kevin S., KJ, Lima M., Lucas L., Malia J., Mare B., Matthew W., Max A., Mediocrity, Mendrael, MisterOOPs, Mortemister, Nadir, Nicolas, Nubia J., P, Paul R., Pix, Rafal K., Ripxdoc, Roundone9, RunnyMonkey, Saida, Sam B., Sam T., Samewise, Saskia, Scott M., Sommite, Sterling F., Steven S., Stryk R., SuprisedPika, Tobias S., Yamil T., Yeethaw


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