How to Solve PES Problems Photoelectron Spectroscopy AP Chemistry PES Explained
PES explained! This chemistry tutorial video is a chemistry mini lesson designed to walk you through how to read a PES, or photoelectron spectroscopy, spectrum and what the different peaks represent. Several examples are shown throughout the video where you have to determine how the spectra correspond to the electron configuration and different subshells, and several AP chemistry type problems are walked through. • For an AP Chemistry class, according to the CollegeBoard AP Chemistry curriculum and course description, this mini lesson video would cover parts of Unit 1 Atomic structure (1.6 Photoelectron Spectroscopy) • #apchemistry #chemistry #chem #apchem #atomicstructure #unit1 #tutorial #chemistrytutorial #chemhelp #chemistryhelp #APchemhelp #APchemistryhelp #minilesson #lesson #howto #review #chemistryreview #APchemistryreview #apchemistrytutorial #chemistryvideo #apchemistryvideo #flippedclassroom #lesson #PES #photoelectron #photoelectronspectroscopy #PESproblems