Lapalux Time Patience Everything
Many Faces Out Of Focus comprises six brilliantly well produced tracks from 22 year old essex boy Stuart Howard. His productions have already caught the interest of those voices seeking future cult heroes and it is no surprise that the finesse with which he controls samples and synths has left every new listener in awe. • It is easy to cloud the blissful abstracted popiness of this record with details of its complexities. It's the way that he produces so playfully, breaking rules that other couldn't get away with and involving the listener in a way that very few producers are able, that hooked us in. It wasn't until the mastering studio that I discovered differently tuned bass drums panned to one side then another, a wash of reverb squeezed hard into only one channel and numerous tiny recorded vocal samples. • The EP opens with a layered crescendo built on clicks and a seething synth sound, 30 seconds of darkness explodes suddenly into pop hits, tempered with sub bass, set against a sampled and repitched vocal. From this point the EP bathes your brain in lush textures, surprising and explosive atmospheres set in unencountered, unearthly spaces, all somehow perfectly set against catchy rolling choruses informed by pop and commercial R B. • Track Listing • 1. Time Spike Jamz • 2. Quick Kiss • 3. Cousin If • 4. There Are Monsters In This Bed • 5. Sister Pick • 6. Time, Patience, Everything • • Listen to the entire 'Many Faces Out of Focs' EP on YouTube here: •