The Death Of Rave
UPDATE: I realised that the image shown at 09:07 is actually Jay Wearden, not DJ Moggy. I got the names mixed up in the document I wrote the video in. The fact about the interview where he hasn't DJ'd is referring to Jay Wearden. Sorry! • This is a video about a lesser-known Leyland James Kirby (V/VM, The Caretaker) project - 'The Death Of Rave' - a gargantuan, 10+ hour album devoted to the disappointment and decline Kirby felt with the rave scene following the late 80s and mid 90s. • The project received an edit in 2014, with a handpicked selection of 8 tracks named after Kirby's memories of those days. In this video I dive into the story behind the album, the names of the tracks, and the experience Kirby takes us on. • CHAPTERS • 00:00 - Introduction • 01:43 - The Death Of Rave • 03:42 - Monroes Stockport • 04:10 - A Partial Flashback • 04:58 - Why? • 06:37 - The Titles • 07:20 - The Banshee Interlude • 07:41 - Expanding The Idea • 08:30 - What Happened Since? • 10:39 - Conclusion • 11:11 - Credits • #Documentary #ookiiani #Music #TheCaretaker #LeylandJamesKirby #TheDeathOfRave