The Witch Hunters Bundle for Wizard101
From the moonlit heights of the Spiral’s most challenging dungeon comes a set of powerful items known as the Witch Hunter’s bundle for Wizard101. Now you too can send chills down your enemy’s spine while wearing the finest trappings from Darkmoor. Ready to defeat them with style? Let’s take a closer look. MUHAHAHAHA! • • The Darkmoor Manor – What luck . . . this haunted manor, previously owned by Lord Purnitius Pawtrey, comes with a host of ghosts who give clues as to what you’ll find each day in the sarcophagus of its previous owner. This manor is full of secrets, mystery, and panache. • • The Witch Hunter’s Vesture, Capotain, Steeltoes, and Arbalest – Look familiar? The Witch Hunter’s Gear is a fashion statement modeled after the great Velma Von Venkman, The Arcanum’s Shadow Magic professor. When it comes to hunting down the denizens of the night, she’ll be the first to tell you this outfit is positively striking. • • The Midnight Rider Mount – Are you ready to burn rubber in a 50 percent speed boosting coffin car? I can tell you’re just itching to race your fiends . . . I mean, friends. MUHAHAHAHA! • • The Vampire Squirrel Pet – Look at this little cutie. I just want to smother this little guy with hugs and love . . . as long as he keeps those fangs pointed at my enemies! • • and, finally, 1 month of membership to Wizard101 or 5000 crowns to do with as you please. • It is time! Let us begin the hunt! This amazing bundle of items for Wizard101 can now be yours for $39 at GameStop. • Facebook: / wizard101 • Twitter: / wizard101 • Homepage: https://www, • Subscribe: