Moro Reflex Integration Pediatric Occupational Therapy


Six year old boys with behavioral challenges enter an eight week dance/movement therapy program to address anger challenges identified by their teachers. A board certified dance/movement therapist explains externalization --an intervention to aid in the children's’ understanding of and mastery over their anger. • Rena Kornblum, MCAT, BC-DMT, DTRL, brings over thirty years of professional experience as a dance/movement therapist to her therapy and prevention work. She developed the children and family program at Hancock Center for Dance/Movement Therapy, where she is currently the Executive Director. She initiated an in-school program in which she provides therapy sessions for children dealing with physical and sexual abuse or other trauma as well as violence prevention classes for entire classrooms. She also coordinates an undergraduate certificate program in Introductory Studies in Dance/Movement Therapy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been lecturing in the Dance Department for over 30 years. • Rena has written a book called Disarming the Playground, Violence Prevention Through Movement and Pro-Social Skills and edited two training DVDs by the same name, all of which describe her prevention curriculum in detail. Research on the effectiveness of her violence prevention curriculum has been published in The Arts in Psychotherapy , a peer-reviewed academic journal. She conducts workshops and trainings on her work internationally and her writings on the subject of DMT with children have been published in books on the creative arts and nonverbal therapies. • Rena received the 2002 Wisconsin Dance Council Research and Journalism Award, the 2005 Distinguished Service Award by the Wisconsin Alliance for Arts Education and the 2009 American Dance Therapy Association Excellence in Education Award. She is licensed in the state of Wisconsin to practice psychotherapy specifically through the expressive arts therapies. • Disarming the Playground, Violence Prevention Through Movement and Proc-Social Skills can be purchased via ADTA's online store: • Learn more about dance/movement therapy at


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