Lazzarini Design Floating Hotel Room Pearl Suites Inspired By BOND James Bond
In This segment, Keith and Jay Discuss The PIERPAOLO LAZZARINI Designed PEARL SUITE. The Pearl Suite Is a Floating Hotel Room with all of the amenities you would find in a standard luxury hotel room floats, has a motor and an anchor! Wait... Anchor? Yes, an anchor. This looks like something right out of a James Bond Movie. • So Who is this guy? Why would we be talking about him? Well.... Pierpaolo Lazzarini, Born in 1982 in Rome, Is an Italian designer with artistic visualization and prototyping skills. Lazzarini has spent years working in the automotive field, is a designer who believes in a different design approach. You just might see a Lazzarini Designed Car available for your purchase someday! • Would You Stay In A Floating Hotel Room? • Leave Us A Comment and Don't Forget To SUBSCRIBE!! • #lazzarinidesign #jamesbond #007 #lazzarinisuperyacht #superyachts #floatinghotel #pearlsuites #megayachts #lazzariniicarus #lazzariniwaya #lazzarinimegayacht #podcasts #partscountergurus #thecountershow #romeitaly #italiandesign #italy • Current Pierpaolo Lazzarini Design Projects: • We Are The Parts Counter Gurus - Automotive entertainment, how to, reviews and the Podcast. • Support our show by shopping on our Amazon Store: • Check out the Podcast and our site: • Follow us on FaceBook: / partscountergurus • Follow us on Twitter: / thecountershow • Follow us on Instagram: / thepartscountergurus