Best Treatment for Millipede Burns
What’s the best treatment for a blister caused by a millipede? • Millipedes are worm-like bugs. Certain types of millipedes release a harmful substance (toxin) all over their body if they are threatened or if you handle them roughly. • Unlike centipedes, millipedes do not bite or sting. • The toxin that millipedes release keeps away most predators. Some large millipede species can spray these toxins as far as 32 inches (80 cm). • Possible to be allergic to millipedes • While the liquid millipedes emit isn’t toxic to humans, it’s possible to have skin irritation or even be allergic to it. • If you’re allergic to millipedes, you might notice the following symptoms after handling them: • • blisters or hives • • redness • • rash • • itchiness and/or burning • Millipede toxin can cause blisters and burns. • Wash your skin right away, even if you don’t think a millipede has emitted any liquid onto your skin. This can help prevent a possible allergic reaction. • If you develop blisters as a result of handling millipedes, wash your skin with lukewarm water and regular soap. • Aloe vera gel can also help soothe the blisters. • Over-the-counter antihistamine such as Benadryl may help with an itchy rash. • You may also treat the rash with a soothing topical, such as oatmeal lotion or hydrocortisone cream. • Be careful not to rub your eyes after handling millipedes. • The arthropod’s toxins can lead to conjunctivitis and other uncomfortable eye issues. • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling them, even if you don’t think you’re allergic or have any other type of reaction to millipedes. • Severe allergic reactions are rare • A millipede allergic reaction is rarely life-threatening. • However, you should seek emergency medical care if you experience any of the following symptoms of a severe allergic reaction: • • facial swelling • • breathing difficulties • • rapid heart rate • • widespread rash • • unconsciousness • ** Credit by Kristeen Cherney from ** • Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D.O. • #millipedes #millipedebite #millipedeburn • ************************ • Subscription FRESH HOME 24 Channel • ✌ Thanks for watching. Please ☞ SUBSCRIBE - LIKE - SHARE - COMMENT • ************************ • Disclaimer: • The materials and the information contained on FRESH HOME 24 channel are provided for general and educational purposes only. • Image Sources: Collected via Google Search. • If there are copyright mistakes, please contact us. THANKS