ITV quotI Am Team GBquot Shutdown 27th August 2016
On Saturday 27 August 2016, all of ITV's channels (not just ITV, but ITV2, ITV3, ITV4, ITVBe, ITV Encore on satellite cable and CITV) switched off for an hour between 9:30 and 10:30am as part of I Am Team GB, a national event sponsored by the National Lottery to encourage viewers to get off their sofas and get involved in the free sporting events around the country, some of which had Team GB athletes and ITV celebs joining in the fun. Even the Coronation Street and Emmerdale sets had events going on in them, to contribute to what was promoted as The nation's biggest ever sports day . For those of you who did take part in these events (or were too busy setting up Netflix on your smart TV ;-)) and didn't see what happened on the ITV channels, here's a brief resume of what went on telly-wise. • Unlike the E4 shutdown on 15 May 2015 (the start and end of which is also on my channel), ITV's shutdown was a bit more plainer, consisting of a cycling caption (which includes Cycling! :-)) over the relevant ITV channel's logo and a looping 60-second announcement. • I have pieced together the general meat of this admittedly rather plain sandwich the best way I could, starting with the opening announcement by Aled Jones and Olympic athlete Max Whitlock in the studio of Aled's chat show Weekend (which was on ITV beforehand, Aled makes a sly reference to it at the end of the previous programme) followed by two loops of the ITV announcement, then one showing each of the announcements on the other Freeview ITV channels (ITV2, ITV3, ITV4, ITVBe CITV), and then one last loop of the ITV announcement before a 30-second countdown (with just the backing music*), a promo for The X Factor (with some clever editing) and the ITV announcement into Murder She Wrote. • Sadly, I wasn't able to get my old Sky digital box up and running in time, so haven't got evidence of this shutdown on STV, UTV, ITV Wales and ITV Encore (other recording commitments also got in the way), but if anyone has, do let me know and I may do a revised version of this video, to complete the package, so to say. • Main shutdown footage © ITV plc/The Gambling Commission, except for • Weekend © Cactus Television • X Factor promo © Thames/Syco Entertainment • Further info on • Which I've recently discovered is just an extended edit of the music that accompanies the ITV Candyfloss ident, as seen here on ITV's own YT channel: • • Winter 2013 Ident | Candyfloss | ITV