Harmonious Living Mindset Transform Energy Activating Light Body

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Harmonious Living mindset - Transform Energy Activating Light Body • Greetings Soul Tribe, • Thank you for the people who have liked, subscribed, and donated. May it return to you, infinity. Thank you. • Today's Harmonious Living mindset tool, we are going to move some energy. This is a quick way to transform some energy. • We are going to start with a little Qigong to begin with. Gently bounce, if you are able to, visualize bouncing. Gently put your arms over your head. Move side to side. • SMILE - Start My Internal Love Engine - Grand Master Chunyi Lin • Get into attitude of gratitude with prayer pose. Put smile on your face. Connect to the greater ocean of unconditional love. Call on a Master of Love to help you transform the energy and release what no longer serves your highest and best good. • Place your hand on each chakra and activate your voice. • 💖Place your hand on your Root Chakra. Visualize the color Red. Activate using the statement, I have the right to BE. I have the right to LIVE. • 🧡Place your hand on your Sacral Chakra. Visualize the color, Orange. Activate using the statement, I have the right to HAVE. • 💛Place your hand on your Solar Plexus Chakra. Visualize the color, Yellow. Activate using the statement, I have the right to CREATE. • 💚Place your hand on your Heart Chakra. Visualize the color, Green. Activate using the statement, I have the right to FEEL. • 💙Place your hand on your Throat Chakra. Visualize the color, Blue. Activate using the statement, I have the right to SPEAK. • 💜Place your hand on your Third Eye Chakra. Visualize the color, Indigo. Activate using the statement, I have the right to SEE. • 🤍Place your hand on your Crown Chakra. Visualize the color, Violet. Activate using the statement, I have the right to KNOW. • Raise your arms and reach toward the Heavens and say, I open to receive ALL THAT I AM. • If you like what I am sharing and feel like donating to this channel, thank you. You can do so at paypal.me/HarmoniousSpirit • #harmoniouslivingmindset #harmoniouslivingspirit #rainbowphoenixrising #truthoflifeislove #selfloveinprogress #shineon2024 #godlove #harmoniouslivingmeditation #springforestqigong #lightbodyactivation #chakraactivationwithstatement #spirit4spiritbyspirit #godslovewins #thetruthoflifeislove #5dcreativeprocess • DISCLAIMER: I, Spirit Zuber, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication. I assist people in correcting energetic imbalances in their bio-field that assist the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body balanced and moving correctly, the body’s innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. I recommend clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular allopathic medicine. My spiritual energy work is not suitable for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. I am a Teaching Artist and my work is spiritually-base. I believe healing is spiritual in nature. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my work or of the energy sessions. The energy session helps many people but like any modality, it won’t work for everyone.


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