10 Gift Ideas for People Who Cant Go Outside

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This creative gift list will help you find something special for someone who can’t go out and is confined indoors (a shut-in). Finding gifts for elderly people during covid is especially difficult! I’ve been searching for gifts for shut-ins for years – ever since my mom went to live in a group home for adults with mental health issues. Now that the pandemic is forcing us to socially isolate, we're all shut-ins. • This year is worse than before. Before social isolation was mandated, my mom went to an adult day program three times a week. Now – because she’s 77 and confined to her group home because of the pandemic – she is officially a “shut-in.” She and three other ladies rarely leave in this group home, which is in the middle of rural Saskatchewan. They’re allowed to go for a walk once day and go to the dining room for meals and snacks; other than that they’re confined indoors, in their rooms. • Today while updating a blog post called 40 Gift Ideas for Older Parents and Grandparents Who Have Everything, I realized that my gift ideas were for elderly people who can and do leave their homes. I suggested gifts such as restaurant gift cards, warm gloves, and even GPS map systems for their cars. But those gifts assume that the elderly people aren’t shut in, socially isolated, bored and lonely because they can’t leave home. • “What gift do you buy elderly shut-ins?” I wondered. “They can’t do the same things as seniors who live independently. People who are isolated at home or confined indoors need gifts that help them feel less lonely and bored.” • Also making it challenging to buy gifts for elderly shut-ins is that – if they’re like my mom – they don’t have iPhones, iPads, or even computers. And if they’re like my mother-in-law they do have computer and mobile phones but don’t want to spend time online. • I created a list of additional gift ideas for elderly people during covid in my blog post - 16 Gift Ideas for People Who Are Confined Indoors (Shut-Ins) https://howloveblossoms.com/gift-idea... • 1. The gift of daily adventures with you and other loved ones - remotely • 2. The gift of a weekly greeting card – printed, signed and sent in the mail • 3. A monthly subscription gift for people confined in their homes • 4. The gift of a comforting cup of tea – in surprising flavors! • 5. A flowering teapot – a beautiful time-lapse gift • 6. A handmade flower tea ball that blooms as you watch • 7. A beautiful wall calendar to brighten a shut-in’s home and heart • 8. Even better: a personalized calendar with photos of family, pets, etc • 9. Gifts to encourage creativity for people confined at home • 10. An Amazon gift card for shut-ins who like to shop • 11. Fridge magnet picture frame with family photos • 12. An electric throw blanket – a great gift for elderly shut-ins • 13. His ‘n Hers Slippers – a cozy gift for elderly people and shut-ins • 14. The gift of fire • 15. Electric card shuffler for card players who are confined at home • Bonus idea for elderly people, shut-ins, and people confined to home because of social isolation: Gifts that highlight the things they once loved to do! Sketching or painting supplies, whittling kits, photography books, knitting sets, yarn hook rugs, scrapbooking kits, etc. • I hope my ideas help you find a special gift for the shut-in or elderly people socially isolated because of covid. Take good care of yourself, for you are worth taking good care of. • With love, • Laurie • #SheBlossoms


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