O que os ESTRANGEIROS acham dos BRASILEIROS Parte 3

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INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL:    / kozmatv   • FACEBOOK:   / canadadiario   • BLOG: http://www.canadadiario.com/ • ------------------------------------------------ • O QUE OS ESTRANGEIROS PENSAM SOBRE OS BRASILEIROS - Parte 3 - POLÊMICA!!! • • A Visão do Estrangeiro Sobre o Brasil Parte 3 • As razões em que os estrangeiros odeiam viver no Brasil - Conflitos culturais • Neste episódio, vamos discutir sobre: • Os mosquitos do inferno • Motoristas de ônibus • Cocô e xixi nas calçadas • Trânsito do inferno • Clima ruim • Trabalho ruim e devagar • Ar ruim de São Paulo • Poucas coisas para fazer • Produtos somem das prateleiras • Postes e outras coisas no meio da calçada • Pague três vezes mais por produtos que vão quebrar em pouco tempo • Músicas altas nos carros • Brasileiros ficam no caminho das pessoas • É proibido recusar comida • Falta de educação • Qualidade de vida ruim e que os brasileiros não admitem • Produtos caros • A comida não é boa • Cospem nas ruas • Infidelidade dos homens • Sem respeito pelos pedestres • • 21. The mosquitoes from HELL • 21. Most bus operators drive as though they're trying to break the bus, and everyone inside it. • 22. Sidewalks in my neighborhood are covered with piss and sh*t from ugly little dogs that bark day and night. • 23. Three and a half hour traffic jams every time it rains. • 24. The weather is complete sh*t most of the time. • 25. Rarely do things get done properly the first time. You have to go back to the bank, the consulate, the office, email or telephone 2-10 times to get people to do their job. • 26. Very bad air quality and a putrid river. The air often smells like burning plastic. • 27. Shopping malls and going to restaurants are the main activities. There is little to do that doesn't revolve around spending your paycheck. There is one main park and it's horribly crowded. • 28. Grocery stores are inconsistent. Products will disappear for weeks or months on end before resurfacing. • 29. Workmanship standards are very low. Windows, doors, hinges, pipes, electricity, sidewalks, are all built with the least effort possible. If the window closes most of the way, what's the problem? • 30. Trees, poles, telephones, planters, and utility boxes are placed in the center of sidewalks, rendering them impassable. • 31. You pay triple for products that will break within 1-2 years, maybe less. • 32. cars cruising at night rocking music so loud it makes my house tremble or however it's spelt. • 32. Brazilians LOVE to stand right in your way. Favorite hangouts include: the top of the escalator/stairs, doorways or simply coming to an abrupt, dead stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk. • 33. Best way to inspire blind hatred in Brazil? Politely refuse to eat food offered to you. No matter how valid your reason this is considered an unpardonable sin in the eyes of Brazilians they will continue aggressively pestering you to eat it in spite of your politely declining, until you give in or accept that they will now hold you in permanent contempt. • 34. People will push and shove you HARD with no regard or apology on public transportation you're packed in so tight you are unable to move anything but your head. • 35. Brazilians are raised to NEVER admit that Brazil is a crumby place to live. Better is not always subjective. I think we can agree that all things being equal, it's better to be rich than poor, beautiful than ugly, healthy instead of disabled. In Brazil you pay much more and work much harder to try to equal the higher standard of living achievable in the countries it lists itself in the same category as. • 36. Brazil is a 3rd world country at ridiculously inflated prices for sub-par quality items. To give you an idea, S�o Paulo is ranked the 10th MOST EXPENSIVE city in the world. (New York is #32.) People go on 12-24 month payment plans to purchase a no-name hairdryer that will break before it's paid off. • 37. Please stop saying the food is the best in the world . We have beans rice in my country too. • 38. Snot Rockets Spitting with reckless abandon on public streets. • 39. The rampant infidelity. This is not just a stereotype, as much as I wish it were. Men in Brazilian society are conditioned to believe they are more virile and manly if they cheat. It is encouraged in their groups of friends. Many, many Brazilian men have told me this in a point blank, very matter-of-fact way can't understand my reaction that it is a very serious issue. The women are encouraged to not like it, but not see it as a deal-breaker. • 40. Zero respect for pedestrians. Yeah, they see you and accelerate. At best, they will honk but will never, under any circumstances press the brake. • • • VLOG Canada Diario 035 • A Visao do Estrangeiro Sobre o Brasil • Parte 3 • 2013 12 21


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