How to install foam board insulation with radiant barrier to shed
How to install insulation foam board with radiant barrier to shed. • Installing R5 insulation foam board to the solar shed work shop how to. The insulation project was one of many options and I chose this insulation idea over fiberglass insulation with an OSB plywood. The insulation foam board is very similar to the closed cell that is used in spray foam except it has a radiant barrier installed. The insulation used under the sheds roof will also be installed behind the siding of the shed. The shed insulation thickness is not the greatest compared to R13, R19 or R30. This project was a how to do it yourself insulation weekend project. • The insulation I used was not the cheapest but went this route due to OSB going way up in price. R13 or R19 insulation would of been a better choice. The Shed feels much cooler after the insulation project and the ceiling is about 40 degrees cooler. The window unit I installed is still running non stop since the walls are just made of 3/8 siding. I hope you enjoy the video and this is the way I did my install which may be right or wrong. Have fun and be safe out there. • I want to insulate the walls as well but will see how the prices change over the next few months. • Here is some insulation I also checked out but was not local to me. • Homedepot • R5 - • R10- • 200ft spray foam kit • Tags • foam insulation how to insulate a shed radiant barrier spray foam insulation do it yourself how to insulate a shed roof how to insulate a shed cheap how to insulate a shed roof from the inside how to insulation board installation insulation board under siding shed insulation options shed insulation radiant barrier shed insulation roof shed insulation installation shed insulation foam shed insulation thickness shed insulation ideas shed insulation diy