Brand New Disneys Gravity Falls UK Promo 4
This summer, disney channel and disney xd is taking you to Gravity Falls! A mysterious town, just north of normal -- ghosts, zombies -- anything is possible ...
Dipper, Mabel, pines, Gravity, Falls, The, Inconveniencing, vs., Manliness, Hand, That, Rocks, the, Headhunters, Tourist, Trapped, disney, channel, selena, gomez, miley, cyrus, phineas, and, ferb, lab, rats, fish, hooks, sonny, with, chance, demi, lovato, jonas, rotheres, Demi Lovato (Musical Artist), Selena Gomez (Musical Artist), Miley Cyrus (Musical Artist), Brand New (Musical Group), Nick, Brothers, Open, Kevin, Widescreen, Disney Channel (TV Network), Next, Place, Fishing, Outside