Paprika einlegen leckeres und einfaches Rezept nach Balkan Art von Oma 68
You can now prepare your own pickled peppers so easily and deliciously. You can taste these as a side dish to various dishes or eat them just like that. This recipe comes from grandma and was made the Balkan way. Pay attention to the storage time and do not store it on the balcony in freezing temperatures. A recipe that is really worth trying. Let us know how you liked it. • Preparation Ingredients: • Put 1 tablespoon of coarse salt in a saucepan with water • Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and boil the water and keep it cold • Remove the stem and the core of the green pepper with a corer (we used 12 pieces) • Alternatively, simply push in the handle and turn it slightly • and slowly pull out the stem with the seeds • Cut four tomatoes into small slices • Chop a small bunch of parsley • Place the paprika pods one after the other in a saucepan of boiling water • After about 45s, remove the peppers and place on a plate • Put ¼ teaspoon of coarse salt in a bell pepper • Add a clove of garlic (two if possible) • Add a little parsley • Add 1-2 tomato slices • place the pepper in a 2 kg container • Repeat the process until all the peppers are filled • Pour the cooled water into the container until the container is full • put the container in a dry place and wait about 2-3 weeks • Good Appetite! • Please rate the video, because this is how you support us so that we can respond to your wishes and the channel can develop well. • We look forward to every comment from you, be it a smiley face or a thumbs up. • Please subscribe to our channel if you want to see more of our videos, we look forward to it: • / @lassmakochen4744 • Already subscribed? 🔔Then turn on the bell to get notifications about new videos! • Good Appetite! • Like, subscribe and follow us on these channels: • Facebook: https: // • Instagram: / • ------------------------- • We - Metto Murro - have rediscovered our love of cooking in recent years. Metto as a family dad while cooking for his family and Murro as a business traveler so that he doesn't always eat outside. • We came back from our last trip with the idea of opening a cooking channel and sharing our passion with you according to the motto Even with 2 left hands you can cook . Because everyone can cook. More and more family members and friends cook with us. 👨🍳🌱👨🏻🍳 • #Pepperspickled #yummy #recipe