Red Dead Redemption 2 All Legendary Animal Locations
Guide for All Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animal Locations. There are 16 Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2. • Finding just 5 of them is required for 100%. But finding all of them is needed for the Zoologist and Skin Deep trophies / achievements and will also give you lots of materials for Trinkets and Talismans which unlock passive Perks. In Chapter 2 after the bear hunt with Hosea you get the Legendary Animals map from him (which can be viewed in your Satchel under Documents). • You can't complete all of them until you've beaten the story, because 3 are in an area that's unavailable until the Epilogue. • The Legendary Giaguaro Panther only spawns after doing the first 9 Master Hunter Challenges. • To find the animal, go inside the search area and make sure a note pops up in the top left corner saying You have entered Legendary Animal Territory. Hunt this Legendary Animal by finding and inspecting clues . • Only then clues will spawn, but they show up at RANDOM spots within the search area. You must press L3 + R3 to enter eagle vision and look for yellow dust which are the clues. Follow 3 of these yellow dust clues to find the trail that leads to the Legendary Animal. Don't just randomly roam the area, you actually have to activate all clues to get the animal to spawn. • LOCATION MAPS: • TIMELINE: • #1 - Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear - 0:00 • #2 - Legendary Moose - 1:48 • #3 - Legendary Beaver - 4:23 • #4 - Legendary Boar - 6:38 • #5 - Legendary Bull Gator - 8:48 • #6 - Legendary Fox - 10:48 • #7 - Legendary Coyote - 12:00 • #8 - Legendary Big Horn Ram - 14:10 • #9 - Legendary Elk - 15:59 • #10 - Legendary Wolf - 18:13 • #11 - Legendary White Bison - 20:08 • #12 - Legendary Buck - 22:52 • #13 - Legendary Tatanaka Bison - 25:03 • #14 - Legendary Pronghorn - 27:03 • #15 - Legendary Cougar - 29:30 • #16 - Legendary Panther Giaguaro (*Spawns only after completing Master Hunter Challenge 9) - 31:35 • SUBSCRIBE: • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Follow PowerPyx: • • / powerpyx • / powerpyx • / powerpyx • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~