Mother Mother Until It Doesnt Hurt Official Audio


Did you know that OVER HALF of the couples in the United States have mother-in-law problems? If you are one of these couples, you are most likely are very aware of how this situation can negatively impact your relationship and become a huge problem in your marriage if you don't figure out how to deal with this now. • It's super common for mother-in-laws to overstep their boundaries and say things that cause you to get frustrated, hurt, sad, or angry. So it's extremely important to know how to handle this type of a situation when it arises. Fortunately, there are many solutions to figuring out how to deal with a difficult mother-in-law. • Here are 5 EFFECTIVE TIPS you can use: • 1. Let your spouse talk to her • If you bring up issues directly with your mother in-law, you are automatically going to be the bad guy and will get blamed for things. That will only create more friction between you and her. It's best that your spouse address any issues you have directly to her. This shows a united front between you and your spouse. • 2. Have a family discussion (if you feel the need). • If you want to speak your mind and address the issues directly with your MIL, then you can have a family discussion after your spouse talks to her first. If you choose to have a family discussion, remember to stay calm and be respectful. Don't engage in anger outbursts. • 3. Establish healthy boundaries • If your spouse doesn’t help you set boundaries between your mother in-law and your marriage, then there is always going to be conflict and stress. It's really important that your significant other learn to establish boundaries in a healthy way. • 4. Assess when it's necessary to say something • Assess when it's important to say something. On a scale from 1-10, if the issue is over a 5, then I think it's important enough to bring up and address. If it's under a 5, then it's not worth mentioning. You have to pick and choose your battles, and it's going to be exhausting mentioning every little annoyance or frustration you have. If the issue is under a 5, there are self-care techniques you can do to let it go. • 5. Don't give your power away • When we get mad and yell, and say things that go against who we want to be and how we want to act, we give our power away. Do your best to stay neutral and kind during interactions. We give away our power by getting mad. • Please enjoy this video! And don't forget to click SUBSCRIBE and leave a COMMENT! • Thank you for watching!! This is Kristin Coaching, and I am a dating and relationship coach. • SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more videos by clicking below:    / @kristincoaching   • Join my Facebook Fan Page! : Let's chat on Instagram!   / kristin_coaching   • Explore my website! • Take my RELATIONSHIP QUIZ! : • Want to watch another Kristin Coaching video? Here is Signs of Toxic In Laws and How To Manage Them :    • Signs of Toxic In Laws and How to Man...   • Kristin Coaching is a relationship coach and dating expert for both men and women. Kristin Coaching loves offering relationship advice to anyone who wants to strengthen their relationship, and have that long-lasting, happy relationship they deserve!


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