Lawson MacArthur Mohler and Sproul Questions and Answers


A questions and answers session with Drs. Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler and R.C. Sproul. • Introduction (0:00) • Questions: • 1. Dr. MacArthur, can you tell us about the Shepherds Conference? (1:09) • 2. How do you explain the term “Reformed to a someone unfamiliar to Reformed teaching? (2:34) • 3. Is our still heart deceitfully wicked after we are born again? (4:47) • 4. How should I share the gospel when it could cost me my job? (7:08) • 5. Is it biblical to say God loves you to believers and nonbelievers alike? (9:32) • 6. What does it mean when we confess that Jesus has a reasonable soul? (13:05) • 7. Dr. MacArthur, you spoke at 2016 Shepherds Conference about clergy malpractice. What did you mean by that? (17:08) • 8. How can I best prepare students to live their faith out in public schools? (19:17) • 9. How do I counsel a Reformed mother who is married to a Roman Catholic? (22:25) • 10. With the rise of seeker-sensitive churches, how do we understand biblically 'seeking' God? (25:02) • 11. How do you define a false teacher? How much error is needed before they are considered false? (32:23) • 12. How is the current cultural climate forcing the mushy middle out of the church? (35:55) • 13. Giving the failure of ecumenical movements, how do you promote unity in doctrine? (37:59) • Note: Answers given during Panel Discussions reflect the views of the individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. • This message is from our 2017 National Conference, The Next 500 Years:    • The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Con...   • Purchase a digital download or DVD of this conference:


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