Allan Holdsworth 0274 Lesson amp Tutorial
Allan Holdsworth - 0274 Lesson Tutorial • Introduction: 0:00 • Intro section: 3:05 • Intro playthru: 11:32 • Solo section A: 13:03 • Solo section A playthru: 22:09 • Solo section B: 23:19 • Final B section to outro: 26:53 • Live version differences: 29:42 • Hey all! So, I think this is the end of my song lesson videos. Ive done every song I really wanted to. I MIGHT do one or two more if I get the itch, but I'm happy with what I've put out here. Im working on another video for sometime next year which I think will be my best one. I hope so, at least! • This tune is a bit tricky because its got a few variations with it and the recorded version is different than when it was performed live! Of course I talk about that and show you how the live version differs from the record. Allan also starts his solo in an unusual way, something like we've seen before in Lanyard Loop . • Some of you also might take some issue with some of the chord names. I figured I would add I did not take the bass note into consideration and only focus on the chords. I also tried to give the chord the most straightforward name I can, even if functionally it might not be correct. • Also, let me know what other songs you would like to see! For those that do not know, I have written a book that lists and arranges chords used by Allan that you can pick up here for $10. Thanks again everyone!