DAlbertis in Papua New Guinea 12 OHanlon Heroes S2
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O'Hanlon travels after the Italian explorer Luigi D'Albertis (part 1). • D'Albertis came back from Papua New Guinea with the severed head of a cannibal shot along the way. In his book What I did and What I saw is a picture of the head. O'Hanlon goes in New Guinea to find the tribe that the dead man belonged to. • O'Hanlon starts with the d'Albertis family in Italy. Grandchildren still know how the head once stood in a glass jar on a table in the hallway; they were terrified of it. But no one knows where it went. O'Hanlon travels from museum to museum. Slowly he learns more about his main character. The eccentric d'Albertis brought the women of the headhunters to tears by singing one aria after the other. To be able to match that, O'Hanlon takes singing lessons in Genoa and then travels with the photograph of the head under his arm to the interior of Papua New Guinea. • O'Hanlon's Heroes is a series of documentaries in which the British writer Redmond O'Hanlon follows in the footsteps of his heroes: naturalists, explorers and adventurers from the 19th century. • Presented by: Redmond O'Hanlon • Camera: Jackó van 't Hof • Research: Adelheid Kapteijn • Production: Nicole Frints en Nina Huisman • Direction: Roel van Broekhoven • © VPRO January 2014 • On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series. • This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best. • So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you! • more information at www.VPRObroadcast.com • Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast: • VPRO Broadcast: / vprobroadcast • VPRO Metropolis: / vprometropolis • VPRO Documentary: / vprodocumentary • VPRO World Stories: / vproworldstories • VPRO Extra: / @vproextra3443 • VPRO VG (world music): / vrijegeluiden • VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music): / 3voor12 • VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories): / @3v12radio • www.VPRObroadcast.com • English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.