From Saul to Paul
After his Damascus Road experience with Jesus Christ in Acts 9:17, he's identified as a “brother” -- from “a sadistic man” to a “brother” • Then in Acts 9:22-26, he's accepted as “a disciple.” • In Acts 13:1, among five prophets and teachers, he's listed last. He is the least. • The Lord spoke to the leadership there, and said, “Separate out for me Barnabas and Saul, whom I have called to serve me.” • And so they were sent out in Acts 13:2. And you'll notice that it was “Barnabas and Saul.” • And then as they go out they come to the island to Pathos, and they run into a demon-possessed guy. And Saul of Tarsus, the takes charge and the proconsul believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't it interesting that after he took charge in Acts 13:13, it says, “Paul and his party then departed and went on their journey.” • Not only is there that name change, which is significant. Saul means “strong and mighty.” That's why he was in his own mind. Paul, being his Greek, middle name, means “little and insignificant” • Demote yourself from your high estimation, and you will have begun a transformed life !! • Check out the original series here: • • Learn about The Simplicity of Salvation here: • • Download or order the free booklet “The Gift” here: • #shorts #bible #discipleship #jesus #biblestudy #bibleverse #jesuschrist #transformation #christian #christ • #lifechanging #christianity • #devotional #apostle #new