How to make a Washtub Bass


The Viper shows you how to build a washtub bass, based on instructions by San Antonio's Barefoot Larry Collins (see his directions at This section of the video shows you how to put the parts together. See part 1 for a discussion of the materials you'll need and part 3 for how to play. • • One correction to what you see here - rather than drill the string hole 48 up the staff, I'd recommend going a few inches higher (like to 52 ) so that the string itself, when taut, will measure 48 from staff to eye bolt. • • TRANSCRIPT • • Now to build the washtub bass. • • WASHTUB: Were going to start with the washtub. Well be removing the handles, which you can do with a bolt cutter, if you have one, [or a] hacksaw — sometimes, if theyre soft enough, even just a pair of pliers. Drill a hold in the bottom and then put in the hardware assembly. • • OUTSIDE HARDWARE: Eye bolt, lock washer, fender washer. • • INSIDE HARDWARE: And in the inside: fender washer, lock washer, lock nut. Then you want to make sure you tighten it, quite tight. (This ended up being just about perfect. The bolt doesnt extend past the nut, which is good if you want to carry stuff in the tub: it wont scratch as much.) And then were done with our tub. • • STAFF: Now were going to work on the staff. First, were going to cut a notch across the bottom. That will fit into the rim of the tub, and thatll allow it to rest on the rim without slipping while youre playing. Then were going to drill a hole through 48″ up for the string to go through. Ill go a little bit more than this. But you dont want to go too deep, because you dont want this to touch the bottom of the tub, which will rattle. So just about 1/4 of an inch, enough to keep the thing from slipping. Now were going to measure 48″ up the staff. And mark it: thats where were going to drill the hole. • • [NOTE: One correction to this. Rather than drill the string hole 48 up the staff, I'd recommend going a few inches higher (like to 52 ) so that the string itself, when taut, will measure 48 from staff to eye bolt (it's the hypotenuse -- use your knowledge of right triangles!).] • • And when you do the drilling, you just want to make sure that the hole is going through perpendicular to the way that the notch is cut — in other words, the hole should be facing the center of the tub. Youre going to drill the hole big enough for your rope to go through. • • STRING: Now that weve got the hole drilled, were just going to feed one end of the clothesline through that, and then tie a knot on the other side. And then cut off about 6 feet. And well run that through the eye bolt — double back, like that. And then we essentially want to adjust the length until its basically taut when the string is almost straight up and down. When its straight up and down, thats the lowest note youre going to be able to hit. Then were going to take our clamp. Clamp this, and screw these back on. Eventually, well cut this. But for now, Im going to leave it until I have a chance to test out the bass: make sure I like the tautness of the string, and the length and everything. And the nice thing about the clamp, rather than tying it, is it makes it much easier to make small adjustments while youre figuring out what work. • • PLUNGER: And then the last thing we need to do is to build a riser to allow the sound out to come out of the instrument. So were going to cut a notch in the top of the plunger. And thats going to go under the rim. • • And thats how you build a washtub bass.


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