Worm Bin Building the Layers

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=MsEw2L2j49I

We were playing with our new camera and the settings we were using do not allow for easy editing. I thought that it was more important to get the video up to show you how I did it =) This is the layering that I did for my three bin system. I did the drilling earlier but there is another example of how to drill it in the Adding the Squirm video. • I used ripped up cardboard on the bottom and shredded newspaper on top of that. Then I layered grass clippings, some finely ground eggshells, banana peelings, more shredded newspaper and some compost dirt from our compost. I didn't have the worms right away so I let this sit to rot until the worms came! • Thank you for watching and be sure to check out the other worming videos! • Have a wonderful day! • Chox =) • Worm Stuff Playlist:    • Worm Bin: Vermiculture Fun  


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