100 Days In Groomercraft Minecraft
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=MwVqjXYVOfI
100 Days in Groomercraft! Our noob hero Hank has been challenged to play 100 in game days of Minecraft but here's the catch, he's been given objectives to complete during his time on Epstein Island; these include things such as mine 64 coal, mine 512 raw iron, mine diamonds, make an animal pen, and lure animals into his home to be name tagged and befriended! Can our noobish autistic hero complete this challenge?? • Live on Twitch: / hank_bloodshadow • Frens: @Unkindlynx @ZyosFortes @kythalos @UnkindBean • Background Music: • iNeedMusicCo • #minecraft #100dayschallenge #minecraftjokes