Collectivization in the Soviet Union A Necessary Evil


Collectivization of agriculture in the USSR was a transformation of small, one-person peasant farms into large public socialist farms through cooperization. There were two types of collective farms - kolkhozes and sovkhozes. In theory, a kolkhoz was a collective farm managed by the members of the cooperative and getting paid according to the earnings of the kolkhoz, while a sovkhoz was a collective farm managed by the state, with its workers treated as salaried state employees with guaranteed earnings. In reality, both types of farms were strictly controlled by the Soviet government. Stalin's collectivization became one of the symbols and phenomena of the Soviet era, the tragedy of the Soviet village. In people's memory, it is associated primarily with the dekulakization of hard-working peasants, exile and mass starvation of 1932-1933. Let us examine why the USSR needed to unite peasant farms, how it was done, and whether the desired result was achieved. • 00:00 - Kolkhoz as the USSR in miniature • 03:35 - Why the Soviet Union needed to unify agriculture • 09:08 - Forced collectivization • 11:24 - Dekulakization • 14:50 - After the famines • If you'd like to support the channel: • 💵 Patreon (early access to videos) -   / setarko   • 🪙 BTC - bc1qh8szz62crxu9ylg2jx9dz3t6vzzjdw2rheft2m • 🪙 ETH - 0x19F11A86adf1ec4DDebEC0f27982805B1d1aba67 • 🪙 USDT (TRC20) - TYG76yndvrDD8WM9TtkBGauT7682esKZfu • 🪙 Other crypto - • Special thanks to my Patrons: • Petar Ilic, Jordan LaMothe, Kirill Klimuk; Simon Böse; Steak221; Steven; Yelizaveta Zakharova; Adam Stakhanov; Devon Hodgson; Joseph; Mike Pearce; Niels Dowgwillo; Osas; Ravenghast; Sarah McMaster; Triskelia; Petar Kerelov; Yuval Carmon; Peter Lassen; Jimmy Albin; Eli; Michael • Links: • Discord -   / discord   • Twitter -   / setarkoyt   • Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life. • • Free Stock Footage provided by and


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