Asexual Reproduction


In this video I talk about asexual reproduction.Welcome to MooMooMath and Science, in this video I would like to talk about asexual reproduction. • Many organisms like this platypus reproduce sexually or with two partners. Other organisms like bacteria and even multicellular organisms reproduce asexually. • In asexual reproduction you only have one parent, and the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. • I would like to talk about a couple of different types of asexual reproduction. • In many prokaryotes which do not have an organized nucleus, carry out binary fission. • The DNA makes a copy,the cell stretches, and makes two copies. It is nice because you can reproduce very quickly, some bacteria can make up to 500 copies in a couple of hours. Reproduction can be very quickly.The downside is that you don't have genetic variation in the offspring. • Another method of aexual reproduction is budding. • A new organism grows by mitosis and cell division on the body of the parent. When the bud gets large enough it breaks off and creates a new organism. Take a look at hydra budding. • A third type of asexual reproduction is vegative regeneration. • or propagation. • A portion of the plant is cut off or falls off and is placed in a positive environment and grows into a exact copy of the original plant. • Another type of asexual reproduction is animal regeneration. • or fragmentation. • Many animals like the starfish grow back pieces or even whole organisms In this next video check out the planarian and how it is cut in half and each half of the planarian can stay alive and well develop into an exact copy. • Thanks for watching asexual reproduction where one parent makes a copy of itself • MooMooMath and Science uploads a new Math or Science video everyday. Please subscribe and share. • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Study Skills Teacher's Secret Guide to your Best Grades •    • My new book-Study Skills Teacher's Se...   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • * • * • For more Life Science videos and summaries see, •


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